
An overview of Industrial Process Management and Automation

Industrial robots and automated solutions are widely deployed across processing and manufacturing plants to assemble, test and packaging. Although many improvements have been made against the robots in the assembly line, manufacturing and processing industries still face significant issues when it comes to automate operational and back-office procedures. Most of the problems are due to keeping up with revised standards, finding skilled labours and with inventory management, customer communication and procurement.

However, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has started to make an optimistic impact on these areas, allowing more and more producers to automate the procedures. This ‘industry automation’ is even for accounts and finance management, invoice processing, purchase order tracking and much more, simply aimed to augment the manual tasks and remove even the slightest chance of errors.

Emerson process management in the UAE has helped increasing the production and manufacturing effectiveness, reduce manual errors, agility in back-office tasks and saves significant time. Manufacturers experience a sudden boost in regulatory compliance levels, monitor process and perform analytics in real-time, open new window for digitalised communication and platform which also reduces carbon footprint.

Some of the manufacturers still doubt on the robotic automation despite the obvious benefits. This unwillingness is acceptable at certain points especially when already stabilized procedures are put to the risk that can be a frustrating experience for employees, employers and customers. To minimise the risks associated with robotic automation, here’re a few key steps worth considering.

  • Slow and steady wins the race. Manufacturers, in their excitement over benefits of automation are tempted to dive deeper and invest sufficiently in multiple technologies altogether.
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Rather than streamlining the procedures, doing so bring more harm to the regular data and product flow, interrupts supply chain and takes away worker’s composure. Manufactures thereby should move slowly, carefully research and identify the most critical areas where automation can be deployed.

  • Keep things simple by allowing robotic processing to handle smaller and routine tasks at first. Further automation can be decided after looking at the outcome, available budget and necessity to do so.
  • Prepare yourself for expected disruption which is obvious whenever something new is introduced. Manufacturers should deploy automation initially at areas what can easily cope with the technology in an effortless manner. Although the process can be slow at start, it’ll help in removing doubts and further pave way for success, allowing you to consider automation in more complex situations.
  • Emerson process management in the UAE caters to industrial automation. Employees are educated on the coming changes and how automation can help them with their jobs rather than replacing the human operators. In fact, industry automation only creates new job opportunities while raising the human skillset which is more beneficial.
  • Just like every other process, automation must be taken seriously before implementation. Clearly define the objectives, identify the milestones, communicate and document each and everything so as to keep in line with the manual and automated procedures. Project leader and team must be deployed and execute the plan in the best possible way.

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