It is a clear and absolute fact that keyword stuffing kills your SEO. When you are trying to optimize your site for different search engines, it usually comes out to be tempting to take few of the shortcuts and one of the shortcuts which most people opt is this keyword stuffing in their web content.
One should try those tactics which can quickly speed up their ranking process. And one should not opt for silly shortcuts as well as black hat tactics like we are discussing now, known as keyword stuffing.
What Do We Mean By Keyword Stuffing?
- This black hat tactic is still counted as an unsavory and unappetizing SEO tactic. Still few of the brands and marketers, they use this technique to boost and enhance their search visibility. But this tactic is completely useless and can be extremely dangerous for your site.
- It is through keyword stuffing that most of the brands fill up their webpage or they stuff their web pages with the same words and phrases. And at the same time, they hope that search engines will rate and rank their webpage for a long term. This wish of website owners will never come out to be true.
- This unproductive and lame technique is just a pointless attempt to trick and manipulate search engines. Website owners think that by doing so their webpage will become the most searched page. But this does not happen at all!
- The arrival of keyword density checker tools has made lives easier now. These tools allow you to check the density of your keywords appropriately.
Degrees of visible keyword stuffing
- Some people might make an unnecessary use of repeated words or phrases. Some of the individuals add words to their web pages which are totally out of context.
- Some use keywords which are absolutely irrelevant to the main topic of their webpage. That is why the usage of keyword density checker tool is must for all people who are into website world.
Keyword Density Rule
You should not go overboard while using and incorporating keywords. Use a single keyword as per the recommended amount of times. The inserted keyword should match with the SEO best practices. It is best if you will stick to 2% to 5% keyword density rule because this is what SEO practice teaches us.
How Is Keyword Stuffing Killing your Website?
We have many obvious reasons for you that why keyword stuffing is killing for your site. It will always give you an awful experience.
- The aim of any website content is to serve and educate as well as to engage its readers. When you are going to stuff and load your web pages with keywords then your purpose will remain unfulfilled.
- To check keyword density is important always because keyword stuffing creates the worst experience for the entire audience. This worthless technique will send all users away from your webpage. Your bounce rates will be increased. If you think that filling your webpage with keywords will attract more and more people to your website, then it is a wrong perception. Incorrect stuffing of keywords will only make your site suffer.
- This activity is now highly condemned by most of the search engines. This activity can also lead to you receiving a search penalty. Filling your page with the needless number of keywords will not improve any of the chance or way to rank higher. Instead, your page ranking will gradually go down.
- This keyword stuffing penalty will remove your webpage from these search engine results pages altogether.
Ways to Use Keywords in the Right Way
You should focus and concentrate on optimizing the keyword. Try to correctly use the target term in all of the right places of your webpage. As explained by Google Quality guideline team that creating a useful and information-rich content should be the focal point and this can be done by using keywords appropriately in your content.
- Assigning one primary keyword to each of your web pages: First, you have to assign and allow one primary keyword to each of your web pages. There should be one target keyword. The selection of a primary phrase has to coincide with the topic and it should be closely tied and attached to your content.
- Write the body of more than 300 words: If you want the search engines to rank your webpage better, then your content body should be of more than 300 words. Search engines always give users the most helpful information, they will likely and most probably rank your content if it will be optimized with proper keywords, thorough as well as carries in-depth value.
- Using primary keyword density appropriately: You should insert your target keyword throughout the whole content but avoid overusing it. Place it on the spot where it looks natural and completely relevant. To check keyword density, there is a rule that keyword density should be around 2 to 5% so that you can stay exactly within the SEO guidelines.
Other Simple Ways to Insert Keywords
Adding secondary keywords and long-tail keywords: There is another way which you can follow in order to tell the search engines that your webpage is the most relevant to be searched. You can use secondary keywords and these long-tail keywords. These secondary keywords are just like synonyms of your primary target keyword. This addition will reinforce your webpage content positively.
Placing keywords on the right webpages spot:
When you optimize your webpage, then you have to struggle a little bit to insert keywords properly at their correct destinations. To make a webpage fully optimized, you can use keywords in your page title, sub-headings, title tag or in the meta description, the first paragraph of your body and in the conclusion part.
All these optimization tactics, they send a positive signal to search engines so that your webpage gets noticed and ranked higher for an intended period. All in all, you have to do the homework of improving your keyword strategy area. This is how you can upgrade your rankings.
It is not alright to select an unsuitable keyword and hence repeating it over and over again. You should do complete research to optimize your web content by picking the correct keyword. So remember the golden rule, avoid keyword stuffing always!