
The Three Storage Services of Microsoft Azure Cloud

The Three Storage Services of Microsoft Azure Cloud

Cloud Storage to Microsoft Azure is a cloud service which provides the storage which is easily available, secure, durable and scalable. Microsoft Azure takes care of maintenance and handles critical problems for you. It allows flexible and scalable online business services which are to be created and hosted in the Cloud. In this article, we will be discussing the Microsoft Azure, which is a set of services and technologies that enable you to easily benefit from the scalability and agility of cloud computing. Through this, you can store data, build and connect applications in the Azure cloud. On-premises is a simple way to understand how the Azure Cloud Storage works. For the basic local application setup, you have some hardware, a server, and operating system. It’s physically installed on the server but, if the application needs it is connected to a database, which probably runs on its own. It possesses some more services like access control security networking.

There is a challenging aspect of the on-premises scenario. Everyone has to manage their own stuff, their own hardware operating systems databases and so on. Now if we discuss Cloud storage in Azure, the data it’s running in a data center which is part of global network applications, which are distributed across servers. You don’t have to update hardware, manage it or even really think about it. So, you can focus on adding business value in key features to applications rather than on setting up provisioning managing or scaling infrastructure. Other stuff will be taken care of by Azure Cloud Storage.

Azure Cloud Storage Data Services:

Azure Cloud Storage consists of three data services which are known as Blob storage, File storage, and Queue storage.

Blob Storage:

It provides both the standard and premium storage. Through premium storage, SSDs are used for the fastest performance possible. Another feature of Blob is the cool storage which allows you to store large amounts of less accessed data for a lower cost. Blobs are the files that you store in your computer which can be anything. When you store the files in Blob storage then you can access them anywhere in the world by the URL’s, the REST interface, or one of the Azure SDK storage client libraries

Types of Blobs:

There are three types of blobs which are said as block blobs, page blobs, and append blobs.

  • Block blobs are used to store only simple files to the size of 4.7 TB.
  • Page blobs are used to store random access files, which can be 8 TB in size. These are used for the VHD files that back VMs.
  • Append blobs comprise of block blobs but are optimized for affix operations. This is like logging information to the same blob from multiple VMs.
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If you have large files then you can ship a set of hard drives to Microsoft to import or export data directly from the data center.

Azure Cloud Storage:

Azure Cloud Storage contains the highly available network files. These files can be accessed by using the standard Server Message Block protocol. It means the files have both read and write access. You can Read the files using the storage client libraries. There is a difference between Azure files and the corporate files. Through corporate file share, you can access files from anywhere. It includes the SAS token, you can develop your SAS token. It defines the specific access to a specific amount of time.

The sharing of the file have some common scenarios which are listed below:

  • Mainly on-premises applications use file shares. This makes it easy to migrate the applications which share data to Azure Cloud Drive.
  • Configuration files can be stored on the file share and can be accessed from multiple VMs. Thus the tools used by multiple developers can be stored in the file share and can be used in similar version.
  • Data can be written to a file share. It can be processed or analyzed later easily. The three examples include diagnostic logs, metrics, and crash dumps

Queue storage:

The Azure Queue service is used to store and retrieve messages. It has the size of 64KB in size. It mainly contains the messages. You can queue the pictures and create the message through it. Each can be scaled separately giving you more control over your data.

Azure Cloud Storage makes it easy to store your data. Through this storage, files are easily available, secure, durable and scalable. It has the flexible use.  Microsoft Azure can be used to enhance and extend local computing resources often without the need for extensive coding to make the connection cloud computing. It also offers a broad set of services and tools to help you solve business challenges. There are three Azure Cloud Storage services which include Blob storage, File storage, and Queue storage. The three storages of an Azure Cloud solves your data storage concerns.

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